Management software for companies that carry out the wholesale and distribution
PBCashCarry it's a management software designed for the management of companies that carry out the wholesale and distribution, It allows you to configure and manage both individual stores, and a main establishment with multiple outlets connected (centralized accounting), or a network of franchise outlets, connected to the parent company but with autonomous warehouse and accounting.
Conceived and designed for commercial companies, allows the creation of customized product categories (e.g.: for sizes and color management), the printing of labels with bar codes, the use of devices such as bar code readers that make handling prodcuts easier and safer, to activate any kind of trade policy facilitating sales actions such: discounts, promotions, awards for customer and business channel, to easily import each type of catalog in any format and traced with considerable savings in time and lower margins of error.
It integrates with the web portal dedicated to giving you the ability to operate in the B2B online sales, B2C and agents with huge time savings in managing all the sales channels.
- Item Master (until 4 per item parameters) and sales lists.
- Stock movements, loading and unloading goods, multi deposit.
- Promotions by date and category of items.
- Enhancement U.P.A . / P.M.A stock. or from deducting with recovery of the cost price by the buying movements or by the supplier catalog.
- Advanced list management.
- Customer Orders with items ordered, delivery dates, shipping data, selling prices.
- Carrying out of the customer orders, with the possibility to filter the rows ready to be shipped and the creation of shipping documents automatically.
- Manual orders to the supplier, where you can place the materials and quantities to be ordered, or order the auto supplier, where the wizard interfaces with the warehouse and suggests the minimum quantity to be ordered.
- Order Fulfillment supplier, which allows to load warehouse with the quantities of materials receveid and to close partially or entirely the supplier's order.
- It handles direct sales in a simple and intuitive. Connect the appropriate sale price list, manage loyalty cards, download the product with the barcode, transforming the fees for invoices, make returns, record the user making the sale.
- Manages DDT, invoices, accompanying bills, Credit notes, Debit Notes, proforma invoices, Intra model for the export, etc. All documents have customizable printing modules and are directly related to the Accounting Module. Management of letters of intent issued / received allows a constant check on the management of the VAT tax cap.
- The management of the ordinary double-entry bookkeeping, is perfectly integrated with each module of the ERP software and includes: Chart of Accounts Management, first note, timetable, ledger, liquidation and VAT tax registers, Bank statements, accounting journal, Print of the Accounting balance sheet, of verification and by cost center, processing of RI.BA. emission. with export files to be sent to banks.
- Programming language: Visual Basic 6/VB .NET/C#
- Data access: ADO Technology / OLEDB / ADO.NET
- User interface: Windows Graphics native 32 bit/HTML5
- supported databases: MS SQL SERVER
- Printing Environment: SAP Crystal Reports.